Design Patterns: Hidden Frameworks Behind Great Software

05 Dec 2024

The Blueprints for Great Code

Imagine you’re an architect tasked with designing a grand library. You could start from scratch, but wouldn’t it be wiser to draw inspiration from timeless structures that have stood the test of time? For example, the domes of Renaissance basilicas and the layouts of classical Greek temples are features that act as proven solutions to recurring challenges. In software engineering, we have something equivalent to these architectural solutions, known as design patterns.

Design patterns are like architectural blueprints of software development. They are templates that provide a roadmap for common problems in development and design. Analogous to how an architect doesn’t reinvent the arch with every build, an experienced developer will leverage these patterns to create scalable, maintainable, and elegant software. These patterns are similar to frameworks, and offer universal solutions that can be tailored to a developer’s needs.

A Variety of Design Patterns

Design patterns are reusable solutions that come in a variety of forms depending on the developer’s needs. One example is the Observer pattern, which reminds me of a library’s notification system and signing up for alerts when new books in your favorite genre arrive. This pattern facilitates a similar relationship between objects; when one changes state, its dependants are automatically updated. There is also the Singleton pattern, which ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global access point to it. This is ideal for scenarios like managing database connections or configuration settings. By adopting design patterns, engineers can create software that isn’t just functional but robust and future-proof.

As a developer, design patterns haven’t always been my go to tools. Yet, the more I learn about them, the more I see their potential in my future projects. One of the reason I haven’t been relying on design patterns is because up until now, my projects have been relatively simple and I’ve been able to take a pragmatic approach for my solutions. However, as my projects and assignments grow in scope, I can see these design patterns becoming invaluable because they will allow me to design code that is not just functional but exceptional.